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Composition of Crude Oil

Abdulaziz July 8, 2020
At the Midway-Sunset oil fields outside Bakersfield, crude oil is extracted from Monterey Shale.
At the Midway-Sunset oil fields outside Bakersfield, crude oil is extracted from Monterey Shale.
  • A naturally occurring brown to black a naturally occurring brown to black flammable liquid.
  • Crude oils are principally found in oil reservoirs associated with sedimentary rocks beneath the earth’s surface.
  • It is generally agreed that crude oils derived from marine animal and plant debris subjected to high temperatures and pressures.
  • HC compound : All hydrocarbon classes are present in the crude mixture, except alkenes and alkynes. (alkanes, cycloparaffins, aromatic compounds)
  • Mainly HC mixed with:
    • Sulfur
    • Nitrogen
    • Oxygen compound
    • Trace amount of metals in the forms of inorganics salts or organometallic compounds (corrosive or poisonous to processing catalyst)
Pump jack. Oil well
Pump jack. Oil well