Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Global Warming Potential (GWP)

Abdulaziz July 19, 2020
  • GWP is a relative scale
    • compares the gas to an equivalent of CO2
    • GWP for CO2 is (by convention) equal to 1
Global warming and pollution concept
Global warming and pollution concept
  • Anthropogenic GHG covered by NGERs & their GWP:
carbon dioxide, CO2(CO2)
methane, CH4(CO2 x 25)
nitrous oxide, N2O(CO2 x 295)
sulphur hexafluoride, SF6(CO2 x 23,900)
hydrofluorocarbons , CnHxF(2n+2 – x)(CO2 x 140 – 11,700)
perfluorocarbons , CnF (2n+ 2)(0 < n < 7)(CO2 x 6,500 – 9,200)

Reference: August 2009 API Compendium Table3.1

  • GHG emissions associated with energy use (combustion emissions) are: CO2 , CH4 and N2O