Saudi Arabia National Renewable Energy Program
The National Renewable Energy Program
- Managed by the Renewable Energy Project Development Office (REPDO) at the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, under the auspices of the King Salman Renewable Energy Initiative
- Supporting all RE related initiatives in the Kingdom
- Review legal & regulatory frameworks
designed to ensure that ≤3.45 GWh of Saudi Arabia electricity comes
from renewable sources by 2020
National Renewable Energy Program: Vision 2030
Investing for The Long Term
- Localization is key
- Localize R&D, manufacturing & other sections of the value chain

Create Renewable Energy Industry
- Encourage Public-Private partnerships
- Allow the private sector to buy & invest in RE

National Renewable Energy Program
- Responsible for all RE related initiatives in the Kingdom
- Review legal & regulatory frameworks

Objectives & Targets
Accounts for 10% of the Kingdom’s total generation capacity by 2023

9.5 GW
Accounts for approx. 4% of the Kingdom’s
total generation capacity by 2020

3.45 GW
Renewable Technologies Targeted




Solar CSP
