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Semiconductor and 2D Material
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2D Materials: An Introduction to Two-Dimensional Materials
The Importance of Chemical Principles
Thermodynamics & Kinetics23 Topics
State of a system, 0th law, equation of state
Work, Heat, First Law
Internal Energy and Expansion work
Adiabatic Changes
Second Law
Entropy and Clausius Inequality
Entropy and Irreversibility
Fundamental Equation, Absolute S, Third Law
Criteria for Spontaneous Change
Gibbs Free Energy
Multicomponent Systems and Chemical Potential
Chemical Equilibrium
Temperature, Pressure and Kp
Application to Drug Design
Phase Equilibria - One Component
Clausius-Clapeyron equation
Phase Equilibria - Two Components
Ideal Solutions
Non-ideal Solutions
Colligative Properties
State of a system, 0th law, equation of state
Introduction to Solid-State Chemistry
Solid State Physics | Blotzmann and Einstein Model
List of Papers
Final Assignment
Participants 16
- Some examples about how real world problems can be solved through the applications of chemical principles